The Cheerleader Diet: What You Need to Know

The Cheerleader Diet: What You Need to Know

To do what they do, cheerleaders need a lot of core strength, extraordinary stamina, flexibility, endurance, and balance. To meet these body demands, it is crucial for them to follow a good workout routine and a nutritious diet plan. Now, by following the cheerleader diet, you too can be as fit and flexible as one of them!

Here is the diet plan that you must follow to meet the nutritional requirements –

Lean protein : It helps to rebuild and repair the muscle cells, which is essential for an athlete like a cheerleader who keeps conditioning herself. It is advisable for athletes to consume 1.2g to 1.4g of protein per kg (2.2 pounds) of the body weight You can consume:

Recommended Read:  Protein Supplements: What You Need to Know

  • Chicken breast
  • Fish
  • Tofu
  • Spinach
  • Black beans

You should avoid steak hamburgers or other fried chicken etc. These foods while high in protein will be higher in fats, which is not the good fat to consume

Fats (in small amounts) : Now this is a ‘good fat’ we are referring to, which contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which have multiple health benefits like reducing cholesterol and providing Vitamin E. It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids which work wonders for weight loss, heart benefits. You should consume foods like –

  • Fish – Salmon or trout
  • Walnuts
  • Flaxseeds/flaxseeds oil
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Almonds

These foods will also aid in controlling your food cravings by keeping you full and satisfied.  You should stay away from foods containing high saturated fats and trans fats. This kind of foods will increase bad cholesterol, clog arteries and, lower bad cholesterol. It is important to avoid all processed, fried, preserved food like cookies, popcorn, crackers, etc. Also, saturated and trans fats can be found in high-fat dairy products, vegetable oils, non-lean meat, eggs).

Recommended Read:  High-Fat Breakfast Ideas That Help Weight Loss

Whole foods for fiber and complex carbohydrate : As a cheerleader, you put your body through a tough workout routine which burns calories quickly. Hence, it is important to refill your system with some good quality fuel . Now, the processed foods don’t provide a very qualitative fuel, while the whole foods are the best source of energy. You can rely on –

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Sprouts
  • Whole grain bread
  • Potatoes
  • Legumes
  • Nuts (avoid salt)

Avoid ready to eat foods which are highly or easy to grab breakfast bar are unhealthy options.

Water: Substituting water with other carbohydrate drinks will not keep you hydrated. Try to consume 60% water to meet the water levels of your body . This also helps in nutrient circulation. Raw fruits and vegetables have a water content in them, hence, eat them raw will increase your water intake  So, go for a balanced diet – carbohydrate, protein, fiber and healthy fats too. A cheerleader needs to refuel all the nutrient to keep up their energy levels and sustain the hectic workout regime

Now that you know the nutrients to be consumed and the foods to be eaten, how and when should you consume them?  Here’s how –

Before practice :

  • Ensure that you have fuelled your system before going for practice
  • Consuming carbohydrates before the practice is a good choice as it will keep your muscles energized and you will burn the calories consumed with carbs
  • Ensure that you eat at least an hour or two in advance
  • Avoid carbohydrate drinks or caffeinated beverages, heavy greasy foods and dairy products.
  • Stock up on water!

During practice :

  • Keep drinking water. Before, during and after practice. It is essential to keep yourself hydrated. You perspire a lot during the training and your body loses the fluids, hence, keep replenishing it
  • It’s better to not eat during the practice, but for long training days or on competition days, pack small healthy snacks to keep munching on. Fruits, granola or protein bars can be added to healthy snacks list

After Practice :

  • Drink more water
  • Post the practice, it will be a good idea to combine protein and carbs to get these nutrients to work on your exhausted muscles
  • Carbs will back your energy
  • Ensure that you consume food within two hours of training to keep your muscles active and your metabolism in high speed

As always, vegetables and fruits are healthier options to choose!

  • Try protein shakes with almond milk or fruits
  • Peanut butter sandwiches using whole grain bread
  • Dishes which includes avocado, black beans, brown rice

Now you have the cheat sheet for the diet plan and food items. Get this balanced diet in place and keep your system pumped up with all the required nutrients.

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