Why is Consuming Water the Essence of Life?

Why is Consuming Water the Essence of Life?

The body is composed of 60% to 70% water, depending on individual morphology. Fluids occupy virtually every space in our body, both inside and outside the cell. Water plays a beneficial and essential role in the survival of all living organisms, especially human beings. To feel fit and healthy, you need to hydrate properly every day.

Drinking Water Benefits

Temperature regulation

Water contributes to thermoregulation. It dissipates heat in the form of sweat when the body is overheated and its temperature has to drop. That said, your body can be overheated and need water even in the absence of perspiration.

Oxygenation of the body

Water keeps our bodies moist, which is essential for most of our organs, including our lungs, which must have a high moisture content to function properly. Studies have shown a link between water consumption and its effects on asthma reduction.


Our body is often exposed to toxins from our external environment. Drinking water is a simple and natural method to get rid of it – hence it is important to drink a lot of water.

Regulation of blood sugar levels

The level of blood sugar plays a significant role in our health and overall well-being. It is, therefore, essential to control sugar level by drinking plenty of water and by eating moisturizing foods, such as fresh fruits.

Rapid weight loss

An American study conducted by the American Chemical Society showed that adults who drink water before each meal consumed fewer calories during the meal and thus lost weight more easily .

Fights constipation

Beyond all the negative effects associated with poor hydration, one of the most detestable effects is constipation. A tissue that does not receive enough water is obliged to draw it from its internal resources. As the colon is the first source of water in the body, the fecal matter hardens and constipation results. Sufficient water supply to the tissues allows proper digestion, hence preventing constipation.

Brain function

Dehydration interferes with the proper functioning of our brain. This effect result to concentration problems or loss of memory.

Remedy for migraines

If you often suffer from migraines, this could be due to too little water consumption! According to studies, people who do not consume enough water suffer pain or cramping more often.

Remedy for acne

Consuming a lot of water would reduce the appearance or development of pimples. Indeed, water prevents the proliferation of the bacteria responsible for this unsightly phenomenon!

Muscle health

By keeping our body hydrated enough, we guarantee good lubrication of our muscles – which is essential for their functioning! In this way, the risk of sprains or various injuries is reduced.

Sex booster

Problems in bed? Poor hydration could be the cause! And yes, some common problems like insufficient lubrication could simply be solved by greater consumption of water!

Recommended Water Intake

The water requirements of a normal person range from 2 to 3 liters per day. All the foods we eat contain a greater or lesser percentage of water and provide the body with 1 to 1.5 liters each day. The rest can be obtained through drinking. It is, therefore, necessary to drink about 1.5 liters of water each day: (6 glasses of 25 cl). However, those who are overweight need one extra glass per 10 kg of excess weight.
Water should preferably be drunk cold as it is absorbed faster than hot water. And apparently, drinking cold water helps burn calories.