Why You Need Vitamin D3 Supplements

Why You Need Vitamin D3 Supplements

People who have limited exposure to the sun could be at risk of a vitamin D3 deficiency. It is referred as the ‘sunshine vitamin,’ and it is obtained from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D3 is fat-soluble, which includes vitamins such as D1, D2, and D3.

Who can suffer a Vitamin D3 deficiency?

People who suffer from a Vitamin D3 Deficiency usually have darker skin tones, live in cold regions, mostly stay indoors, don’t eat enough fish and milk and the elderly. Many people don’t realize they have a Vitamin D3 deficiency since its symptoms are mild.

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What are the symptoms of Vitamin D3 deficiency?

Vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms cannot be identified easily. A person suffering from a vitamin D3 deficiency can have mild or severe symptoms. Here are some of the symptoms you could have if you have a vitamin D3 deficiency.


One of the most common symptoms of a Vitamin D3 deficiency is dry skin. Dry skin is caused due to the lack of antioxidants. Vitamin D3 has a major role to play in preventing premature aging .

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Thyroid Gland

A deficiency in vitamin D3 could cause problems in your thyroid gland. Vitamin D3 needs to be present in your cells, as it’s vital for your thyroid hormone to function well.


Vitamin D3 helps in calcium absorption and makes your bones stronger . Hence, rickets is a common symptom of a vitamin D3 deficiency.

Cognitive Difficulties

Studies have shown that people with a vitamin D3 deficiency have cognitive difficulties. Therefore, the elderly must consume Vitamin D3 supplements to maintain proper cognitive function.


A person with a Vitamin D3 deficiency could have issues like anxiety, mood swings and could lead to depression. Hence, people who have limited exposure to the sun and often stay indoors suffer from depression and anxiety .

Hair Loss

Studies have shown that people who suffer from a vitamin D3 deficiency suffer from hair loss . Hence, you must consume the right amounts of Vitamin D3.

Why Should You Carry a Vitamin D3 Supplements in Cold Places?

During the winter season, and especially if you’re visiting a cold place, you might not get enough of natural vitamin D from the sun. In cold areas, the sun is hidden, and hence no vitamin D is produced. Vitamin D is produced by the skin when it is exposed to the sun. But if you are not in contact with the sun or take vitamin D3 supplements, you might fall sick. For your body to produce enough vitamin D, you need the sun’s exposure for 10 to 15 minutes. People who have darker skin tone may need more than 15 minutes of exposure since your skin pigmentation makes it challenging to produce vitamin D.

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If you don’t spend too much time in the sun or are always careful to cover your skin (sunscreen inhibits vitamin D production), you should speak to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement, particularly if you have risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. The guidance of a doctor is essential, as some of these supplements can have side-effects or trigger allergic reactions in certain individuals.

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