Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast

Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast

We are on the go throughout the day, and breakfast plays an important role in our daily routine. Eating right at the start of the day will help you make better diet choices for the rest of the day.

A healthy breakfast should include:

  • Milk: Milk is the most important nutrition source. It has vitamins, protein, calcium and amino acids, which are the essential building blocks for the body. All these nutrients contribute to our overall health and wellness, and they can play a part in aiding weight loss too .
  • Eggs: Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein . They improve vision, blood circulation and skin quality. They also help in suppressing your appetite by keeping you feeling full for much longer.
  • Bread: Bread has a lot of high glucose and various B vitamins like niacin, thiamin riboflavin and folate. Bread is also rich in other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Being the staple of many diets, bread contains all the essential amino acids which we must get from our diet. The trick is to opt for whole wheat bread or multigrain bread over white bread.
  • Vegetables and Fruits: The essentials of any balanced diet are fruits and vegetables. They form the base of our food chain. The right amount of fruits and vegetables taken throughout the day can help in giving you the right nutrients- such as potassium, dietary fiber , folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C. Most vegetables are low in calories , which makes weight loss or maintenance much easier. Vegetables and fruits also have great skin benefits.

Breakfast definitely is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast can have negative implications on your health.

Reasons Not to Skip Breakfast:

  • Lack of Energy: One of the most harmful effects of skipping breakfast is a lack of energy. Skipping this meal will make you feel lethargic, inactive, dull and cranky.
  • Weight Gain: Starting the day without any food is directly related to a drop in energy later in the day. This results in the lack of mindful eating wherein you tend to opt for calorie ridden food which leads to weight gain and fat accumulation.
  • Poor Nutrition: Skipping breakfast, or any meal for that matter, cuts out an important chance for you to supply your body with essential nutrients. By eating a healthy, nutrient-dense breakfast, you jump start your intake of protein, complex carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients.
  • Mood Swings: People who do not eat breakfast experience mood swings, that include bad temper, because their blood sugar decreases. On the other hand, people who have breakfast every day remain in a good mood throughout the day.
  • Reduced Metabolism: Skipping breakfast results in a slowed down metabolism. This makes it harder for you to burn calories. Therefore, a healthy way to keep your metabolism raised up is to have breakfast every day.
  • Lowered Immune System: Missing or skipping breakfast can lower your immune system because breakfast provides your body with the immunity-boosting nutrients like folate and magnesium early in the day.

Remember that the word “breakfast”, when broken down literally, means “break” the “fast”’. You are fasting when you sleep at night, and after this “fast”, it is important to provide your body and brain with essential nutrients.