Yoga – Poses and Benefits for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Yoga – Poses and Benefits for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system works against it by attacking the joints. This causes inflammation, thereby resulting in joint pains. In extreme cases, joints become loose and unstable and also attacks the heart and respiratory functions. So you must take care in the initial stages to control it and alleviate the symptoms.
In this context, yoga is seen a good way to counter rheumatoid arthritis. The fluid movements involved in yoga serves as a great arthritic pain relief. These movements increase the strength and flexibility of the muscles even while alleviating the soreness of the joints. It also promotes better balance, reduces body aches, lowers anxiety levels and is also said to relax the mind. Hence, yoga is definitely a good solution for rheumatoid arthritis treatment. Following are some postures of yoga for rheumatoid arthritis:

Child pose: This is a practically simple yet a great warm-up pose. It involves the entire body giving it a good stretch and loosens the limbs. It is especially good for those with rheumatoid arthritis as it frees up and improves the flexibility of the knees and shoulder joints. It is done the following way:

  • Start by getting down on your knees and sitting on your heels in the Zen pose. This is called thunderbolt posture ( vajrasana)  in yoga terms.
  • Now move your knees a little apart by parting your thighs.
  • With arms extended, bend forward until your face and forehead touch the ground.
  • Now exert a little pressure and try to reach forward with your arms while pushing back your bottom.

Knee to chest pose: This pose is of great benefit for those with rheumatoid arthritis as it relaxes the hips and alleviates knee pain.

  • Lie down flat on your back and take a deep breath.
  • Slowly bring your knees to your body while exhaling.
  • Wrap your arms around your knees and rock sideways.

Bridge pose: It helps those with rheumatoid arthritis as it strengthens the finger joints, wrists, shoulders, and opens up the hips and chest.

  • Lie flat on your back and inhale.
  • Bend your knees by placing the feet flat on the ground and close to your hips. Also, bend your elbows by placing them on either side of your head.
  • Pressing them firmly on the ground, lift your body completely in the air while exhaling.
  • Balance that way for about 20 seconds and slowly come down to your original position.

Pigeon pose: This pose works wonders for rheumatoid arthritis as it gives the entire body a fine stretch. It gives great flexibility to the joints and strengthens the groin and hips.

  • With knees under the hips, get down and inhale.
  • Slowly slide the right knee forward while bending it and stretch your left leg forward while straightening the knee. Exhale.
  • Lower your groin and raise your arms above your head exhaling in pray position ( Anjali Mudra ).

Skull Shining Breathing Technique (Kapal bhaati Pranayam): This yoga pose offers arthritis pain relief by relaxing the entire body and also freeing up the nerves.

  • Sit in pleasure posture ( sukhasana ) with your hands on your knees.
  • Now take a deep breath and exhale completely by sucking in your stomach.
  • Do it for about 5 minutes.

These yoga poses will help those with rheumatoid arthritis, but it is best for beginners to do these asanas under the guidance of an instructor.

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