10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Anger in Check

10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Anger in Check

One of the strongest and most draining emotions of all is that of anger. What anger does to those around you is in fact far less damaging to what it does to your inner soul. It ravages your calculative thought process and brings out the worst in most. Control and regulation of this emotion is hard yet imperative. Here are a few cool tips to check out the next time you feel like your anger is about to get the better of you.

Hold your thoughts before you blurt out something nasty

Anger is more like an impulse rather than a full-fledged flow of emotions. The term “in the heat of the moment” is something that you need to steer clear off. So while you feel your temper rising during a conversation or while in a stressful situation, take a few moments to collect all your thoughts before saying anything. Give the others in the situation a chance to do so as well. It’ll help everyone involved.

Always express anger at your calmest

Instead of reacting with an angered mind, give yourself some time to calm down. As soon as you are calm and are thinking clearly, express your thoughts in an assertive yet non-confrontational manner. A calm state of mind would also enable you to express your concerns and needs more clearly and directly – increasing the likelihood of a favorable resolution to the situation for all parties concerned.

Timeout is the easiest way out

If you think that the idea of timeouts is just for kids, think again. This technique works marvelously for adults too. It helps you gain some perspective on the situation, and evaluate whether or not it’s worth really spending time and energy dealing with. A few moments of quiet time would also prepare you to handle what’s ahead of you without losing your cool.

Recommended Read:  How to Deal with Anger in the Workplace

Never hold a grudge

Holding grudges never did anyone any good. Forgiveness on the other hand can do wonders. Holding a grudge would only lead you to be swallowed up by your own bitterness. On the other hand forgiving someone might even possibly strengthen your relationships and make you a better person.

Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is one of the best ways to diffuse tension and improve the environment. Humor is a tool you can use to approach an aggravating situation with a lighter frame of mind. This would make the person you are angry with also to cool down, as there is nothing as infectious as laughter. However, be sure to never confuse humor with sarcasm, as the latter may worsen the damage rather than rectifying it.

Relax your tense mind and body

Relaxation in the form of deep breathing exercises or imagining a peaceful scene or repeating a calming word or phrase helps too. Listening to calming music or deep exhalation and inhalation are also effective. Practicing meditation on a regular basis also creates a calmer mind.

Engage in some sort of physical activity

Exercising releases endorphins that help you to calm down. Movement in the body provides a physical outlet for rage. Generally maintaining a regular exercise schedule will help to regulate emotions as well. Some of the best forms of exercise that help you control anger include running, jogging, weight training, cycling, yoga , basketball , martial arts, swimming, dancing and boxing.

Recommended Read:  Beat Your Stress Through Exercises

Sleep enough

An average adult needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep to thrive. Sleep deprivation can also contribute to a wide range of health problems of which the inability to manage emotions is one. For chronic sleep problems, dietary or lifestyle changes and medicinal supplements with physician guidance are also helpful.

Maintain an anger journal

Extreme anger problems can be managed by your writing about what’s causing your anger. If you lose control of your emotions, write about it, and then go back and read it. This would help you in identifying exactly what people, problems and situations in your life trigger your anger – and what you can do to deal with them.

Seek professional help

There is no harm in seeking the help of a mental health professional in case you feel your anger has seeped beyond your control. A professional will help you put your anger in perspective and find a suitable solution. He/she would guide you and teach you techniques that will help you effectively keep your anger in check.

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