5 Ways to Deal With Agoraphobia

5 Ways to Deal With Agoraphobia

An anxiety disorder, agoraphobia is a fear of panic attack triggered by place or a situation that one can find difficult to escape. Due to fear, people with agoraphobia avoid going to places where they have had panic attacks. They also avoid situations where they feel a panic attack is a possibility for them. In extreme cases, they can completely stop stepping out of their homes or go anywhere at all. It is not possible to prevent it or to even treat it completely. But one can utilize measures to manage the condition better.

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Here are five ways to deal with agoraphobia

Consult with an Expert
If you suffer from agoraphobia, it is important to consult with a doctor or a therapist to better understand your problem and to know if treatment is possible. Agoraphobia in DSM-5 is mentioned as an anxiety disorder. DSM-5 is the fifth edition of the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’, which mental health experts refer to current guidelines for addressing various conditions.

Treatment can help identify if you have panic disorder with agoraphobia. A panic attack is a symptom of agoraphobia. Panic disorder is different and is a separate condition. In such a case, you may require different strategies to cope with your anxiety disorder. There is no specific agoraphobia test to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor is likely to diagnose it based on DSM-5 criteria and your symptoms. Based on the severity of your condition, your doctor will make an agoraphobia treatment plan. It can include psychotherapy along with medicines. Both therapy and medicines can help you deal with your anxiety disorder. A therapist can help you understand the triggers behind your panic attacks. When you understand the causes, it is easier to control them and reduce your anxiety. Medicine can also make you feel calm and improve your quality of life.

Practice Relaxation Breathing
When anxiety begins to develop, remember to take slow and deep breaths. This practice can help you feel calm instantly. You can also make it a habit to practice relaxation breathing before sleeping each night and several times during the day.

Seek Support
You don’t have to deal with your agoraphobia alone. Confide in your friends or family about your anxiety and let them be there for you in your time of need. You can also join support groups for anxiety disorders . At times, sharing of the problem can lessen its effect on you and make you feel calmer and safer.

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Face your Fears
It is easier said than done but facing your trigger situations can ease your symptoms to quite an extent. Begin by mentally picturing the fearful places or situations that cause you anxiety. Mentally go to these places and face these situations. If panic begins to build, retract your steps and come to a standstill. Try again and again. Once you are comfortable with mental work, try to face your fears in person. Ask a friend or a supportive family member to accompany you to a place that holds mild fear for you. Spend some time there and retreat . Next time spend more time in the same place until you feel comfortable. Then face another fear and so on.

Enjoy your Victory
When you can face your fear, it is a celebratory moment. Reward yourself for overcoming the fear of a particular situation. Positive reinforcements help the mind receive a new programming where the reward is more important than the fear. Make the reward significant; something that makes you truly happy.

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