How Forgiveness is the Key to Ensuring Your Mental Health

How Forgiveness is the Key to Ensuring Your Mental Health

Forgiveness is about removing the negative energy of pain and trauma that one can store in the mind and body. But what does forgiveness mean? Forgiving someone involves removal of that negative energy. It is in no way an acceptance of the wrong or hurtful actions of a person who has caused you hurt or pain.

Forgiveness: A Two-Way Process

Forgiveness is a two-way process, whether you directly deal with another person in the equation or not. True forgiveness doesn’t come from merely admitting it in the heart. Acceptance is also important to achieve the miracle of forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness is also an act of courage. Not everyone is willing to admit that they did something wrong or hurtful. Whether you are forgiven or not is another matter.

The two-way process can mean you and the other person. It can also mean you releasing and accepting the energy that causes you the anguish.
The steps to forgiveness are not set in stone. You can meet the other person/s involved in the situation and talk to them verbally. Even if they are not willing to admit to their wrongdoings, your forgiving them can release you from the dark energy surrounding the situation. You can also energetically communicate with the person you want to forgive. Perhaps the person you want to forgive is not alive anymore or is not ready to meet you – in which case you can still forgive them in your heart.

Forgiveness can also mean forgiving oneself for whatever you did or didn’t do. Even if the other person has forgiven you for something; it won’t help you if you continue to blame yourself for an act or deed.

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Forgiveness has to come without expectations. You can’t expect the other person to accept your apology even if you have forgiven yourself.
The power of forgiveness lies in releasing the energy of the painful or negative situation. It has nothing to do with the other person accepting the apology or the kindness shown by you. If you want to experience the miracle of forgiveness then you should be willing to do the work involved in the process.
Anger or negativity towards someone (even if they deserve it) is only going to harm you. It doesn’t affect the other person. Adhering to the energy of anger can cause you physical and mental anguish. In fact, it can be extremely detrimental to your mental health.

Benefits of Forgiveness for Good Mental Health

Not forgiving someone can be the energy that is ever present in your life. You are likely to constantly think about it. It will cause nothing but stress. Stress is no doubt a cause of many mental health problems. It can lead to depression and even cause physical problems. Depression can cause other anxiety disorders and even push you towards drug or alcohol use as a coping tactic.
The energy of pain and anger can take away your peace of mind. It can constantly produce feelings of frustration and anger; disturbing your sleep and eating patterns. Without proper sleep, you are going to experience more stress, weight gain, loss of appetite and hormonal problems. All these are related and can keep you prisoner in a vicious cycle of stress and mental trauma.
Forgiveness can help you release the stress associated with a specific situation. Stress can accumulate in the mind and the body and over time cause mental and physical problems.

Forgiving someone (or yourself) is really about freeing you.

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