How to Deal with Low Self Esteem

How to Deal with Low Self Esteem

If you have a low opinion of yourself, it can lead to self-critical thoughts. It can cause you to have low self-esteem. Self-esteem is all about how you value and view yourself. Low self-esteem is when you place a really low value on yourself. It is very easy to recognize signs of low self-esteem in someone. Lack of confidence and assertiveness; thinking self-critical thoughts, neglecting self, excessive worrying, lack of social life, preference for isolation, a constant feeling of shame, always thinking pessimistic thoughts and blaming self for everything are indicators of low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem symptoms can also be physical such as fatigue, headaches, body pain and trouble sleeping. The symptoms can also manifest as constant anxiety, depression and eating disorders .

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Here are some tips to deal with low self-esteem

Be Aware

Without awareness of your problem, there is no way to treat it. Often people with low self-esteem issues don’t know that they need help. If you don’t recognize self-critical thoughts and pessimism; you cannot mend your way of thinking and turn it into something positive. The effects of low self-esteem can take you down a very dark path. So, remain present and monitor your behavior. It will allow you to choose a healthier way to think and respond to situations and people.

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Develop Compassion for Self

Constant negative self-talk can degrade you in your own eyes. Stop judging yourself harshly for every little thing; even things that are not your fault or in your control. Even if you made a mistake, rise above it. It is normal to make mistakes.

Develop a Me-Time Practice

Set aside some time every day to quiet your mind and simply relax. Use this time to reflect and meditate. Listen to your favorite music. Dance away the blues. Practice positive self-talk where you intentionally speak kind and nice things about yourself. You can also utilize journaling where you simply write down what comes to you and later evaluate it to understand your state of mind better.

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Learn New Skills

Learning new skills can build confidence and give you an appreciation of self. It can also be helpful to remedy the problem of low self-esteem in children . When kids spend productive time in learning new things, it helps them to become more confident. So, learn something new at least every now and then. If you always wanted to learn to play the cello, go enroll yourself in a class. If you wanted to try pottery, what is stopping you? If you desire to learn a new language, now is the time to do it. You don’t have to do it perfectly all at once. Remember that you are doing it for yourself. Enjoy the learning journey. As you develop your skills, your confidence will also grow.

Invest in Experiences

Anyone can become stagnant without new experiences. If you wish to build self-esteem, it is time to stop wallowing in self-pity and isolation and come out of your shell. Take small steps. It is important to not overwhelm yourself. Go on hikes, begin a yoga practice or go watch a concert. Go to a café and sit by the window enjoying a cup of mocha and watch the world go by. Try the karaoke night with friends even when your heart pounds thinking about it. Challenge yourself to strike up conversations. Try to make new friends. Connect with supportive and positive people in your life.

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