How to Identify and Prevent Teen Depression

How to Identify and Prevent Teen Depression

Depression has been the constant companion of the human race since its very beginning. But it is only fairly recently that people have started to talk about it openly, without the fear of being judged as being mentally ill. Depression is a common phenomenon in today’s life, and it can affect people of any age. But teenagers who are depressed are the ones who suffer the most,  as they cannot understand it or talk about it openly with their parents or friends.

Adolescence is the part of life during which a person develops emotionally; the phase when they start to understand themselves and find their individuality. But due to various pressures, familial and social, they sometimes find themselves drowning in a pool of depression, without realizing how or why!

What is teen depression?

The competitive and ever-changing world we live in places overwhelming pressure on everyone; and this is perhaps doubly true when it comes to teenagers. The pressure to do exceptionally well academically, project an image that is often at odds with one’s true feelings in order to be accepted by others, and the exceedingly high expectations of parents; all of this creates a gives rise to a feeling of rejection among teenagers – which leads to crippling disappointment, and ultimately, depression.

As a parent, you may often find your teenage daughter or son overreacting to different situations at home or school. This is the starting point of depression. One of the most significant causes of teenage depression is the feeling that “nothing can be right” in their life because they have suffered a setback. This negative feeling can grow like a malignant tumor, and manipulate the thoughts of the teenager. Before long, he or she gets drowned in depression.

Why is it important to deal with teenage depression?

Depression has been neglected by most people because few are willing to talk about it. It has long been a taboo, and consequently few have been willing to openly discuss their problems. But in reality, the primary means of dealing with depression is to talk about it with people close to you, or with mental health professionals. Teenage years are the building blocks of one’s life; during which people grow physically, mentally, emotionally as well as socially. These years are a crucial time to learn about yourself. So if you are the parent of a teenager, you need to understand the thoughts of your teenaged child. If your child is drowning in depression, you need to take steps immediately; as depression, if left unchecked, can completely ruin their life. Depressed teenagers will be unable to concentrate on their studies and extracurricular activities. They start losing themselves and becoming someone that neither they, nor those around them, can recognize. They might even entertain suicidal thoughts. All of this makes it all the more important for parents to combat depression in their children. Battling depression is a tough job, but with proper medical and family support, the teenager can recover from it.

How to understand that your child is depressed?

Depression is not just a word which means stressed out or confused. It is a collection of activities and thoughts, which you as a parent need to monitor in order to understand whether your child is depressed or not. Here are the warning signs:

  • Academic performance gradually degrades.
  • Personal hygiene activities change rapidly.
  • Teenagers might change their appearance, either gradually or suddenly. For example, they might start dressing up too often, which they never used to do earlier, or they might stop being presentable at all.
  • They might become very sensitive to minor issues at home, and overreact to small things.
  • They might become destructive, and also develop suicidal thoughts.
  • If the depression is severe, then they might hallucinate, as well as start to develop unusual thoughts and beliefs. This is the stage when they desperately need treatment for depression.
  • Loss of appetite, or sudden increase in food intake, which corresponds to weight loss and weight gain on a rapid pace.
  • They either become highly restless, or calm and inactive.
  • Physical symptoms like fatigue, loss of energy, headache, migraine. Girls can suffer from irregular periods and even PCOS .
  • They might start taking life for granted, and think that their life is a waste.

It is essential that, as a parent, you keep a close eye on your adolescent; as depression is killing more teenagers than any disease.

Effective measures to prevent depression in teenagers

As a parent, you need to act to keep your child away from depression, by encouraging them to –

  • Socialize more with their peers. Encourage them to develop new interests, as that will not only boost their self-confidence but also help them develop new and healthy relationships.
  • Participate in plays, sports, or any other positive activities/events of their choice.
  • Participate in programs that create awareness about teen depression, and methods of tackling it.

If your child is already depressed, you must take him to a psychologist to get proper treatment and care. The right psychotherapy treatments and practices can successfully restore your healthy and happy teenaged child to you!