The Amazing Benefits of Oxygen Concentration on the Brain

The Amazing Benefits of Oxygen Concentration on the Brain

When you think of the most essential elements for life, oxygen is always top of the list. In fact, research shows that the brain consumes approximately 20% of the oxygen we breathe in order to fuel and energize our brain cells. Without adequate oxygen, the brain can begin to decline as far as energy, mood, memory, focus, and more.

While oxygen therapy in the form of an oxygen concentrator unit (portable devices that supply patients with concentrated oxygen via a oxygen-rich gas stream) is often associated with patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and other progressive lung diseases (i.e., chronic asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema), many individuals choose to purchase a portable oxygen concentrator to personally boost and optimize their brain function in the following ways:

1. Boost energy and mood

You might not think of your brain as an energy sucker, however, this organ demands about 20% of our daily energy intake just to function—and do things like keep us alert, balance mood, ward off depression, and allow us to focus and retain basic things like directions to work and our coworker’s faces. Without oxygen, the brain cells don’t function properly, and we end up falling asleep at our desks. This is why many use a personal oxygen concentrator at home in order to increase energy and mood.

2. Increases efficiency and accuracy

Sure, we all list “attention to detail” on our resumes, but are we really as accurate as we could be? It turns out that oxygen therapy is able to boost overall task accuracy when blood oxygen levels increase. A group of Israeli scientists from Tel Aviv University conducted a double-blind study on 22 healthy participants—half were given a single cognitive-motor and multi-task task in an oxygenated environment while the other half performed the tasks in a normal breathing environment. Findings showed a direct correlation between oxygen therapy and increased brain performance.

3. Improves cognitive function in aging adults

As we age, cognitive brain function naturally declines. However, a 2013 research study conducted by a group of scientists from the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Konkuk University, found that cognitive function improved in a group of elder patients who received inhalations of concentrated oxygen. Scientists also noted that as blood oxygen saturation increased, cognitive functioning greatly improved. Interestingly, further studies showed that concentrated oxygen also improved cognitive function in patients who suffered acute ischemic stroke.

4. Boost memory recall

Multiple studies tout the benefits of oxygen on memory. However, one particular study conducted by UCLA’s Easton Laboratories for Neurodegenerative Disease Research found that
oxygen therapy could enhance both long- and short-term memory recall significantly in study participants compared to those who breathed normal airflow. Test subjects who received concentrated oxygen performed significantly better when it came to specific word tests, shopping lists, and in facial recognition testing.

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